Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 Round Up

As the Fundamentals project rounds up an extraordinary week we’d like to say thank you to each and every person who participated, schools, youth centres, students, young people and teachers. The Fundamentals project wouldn’t be what it is without you. We managed to reach 795 young people across 5 days.
We have been spreading our message; 'Everybody has mental health’ during these 5 Days with 7 performances and countless connections that have given us true pride and pleasure. This week we really saw how important it is to have a project like this and the beautiful things that it can do in a short space of time.
As the week draws to a close with only the weekend remaining before we have to wait another year for the celebration of mental health awareness, we urge everybody to not see the end of this week as the end of their mental health journey. We all have mental health every day of the year and it is vital that it is well looked after. Explore your mind and adjust your thoughts daily, affirm yourselves and do not be afraid to speak when you’re down.

Before I close for the week, I’d also like to send out a massive thank you to our amazing artists: Raphael Blake, Floetic Lara, Libby Liburd and our exciting new artists Maxwell Golden and Lateshia Howell. We’d also like to thank Arts Council England, Comic Relief and Children In Need for funding Fundamentals and making this all possible. A huge thank you to Anthony Newell from NHS Tavistock and Portman Trust for giving his time this week to make sure that the young people were aware of their options for support if they’re ever suffering. Last but not least a huge thank you to everybody at Small Green Shoots and our steering group for planning and executing the week, perfectly.

Happy Mental Health Awareness Week!

Makeda McMillan