Fundamentals - Outreach Sessions

We are so proud to finally launch our 3-year mental health project, FundaMentals.

At its core, FundaMentals is run by the youth with the sense of community and strength keeps it rolling. De-stigmatising Mental Health is our goal, alongside raising awareness and enforcing that positivity is all you need. To debut our project, we organised a week-long event of sessions ran by various artists such as Raphael Blake, Libby Liburd and Rodney Panton.

"We won’t be afraid to talk about it or share our stories and we will learn ways to help our friends who might be having poor mental health. The main thing is that we TALK about it, so JOIN the FundaMentals movement!”

Savanna Laviniere, 18

These sessions brought light to mental health whilst keeping an amazing balance of education and creative freedom mixed with fun and entertainment such as spoken poetry, acting, hip hop rappers and musicians. Two professional psychologists from the NHS, Antony Newell and Laverne helped to keep the balance in the order.