Welcome Back from the Fundamentals

FundaMentals is back this year and we would like to wish everyone a happy new year! Even though it’s a new year, we’ve still got the same plan; To destigmatize mental health. Last year we delivered 10 creative sessions delivered/105 young people reached/2000 combined online and live audience and this time around we’ve got higher aspirations that we can’t wait to work towards. We’ve got so much planned and cannot wait to bring it all to you. This year we are running a 2 day festival during mental health awareness week in May and releasing a documentary on mental health within men. We are also going to increase our sessions and aim to reach new areas and people, collaborating with new and exciting artists who will help us run them. More Growth & change is what we’re after this year and we won’t stop until we get there.

Makeda McMillan