asking for help is not a weakness, it’s a strength

Check out the list below.



At the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, we are here to listen to, support and help you through difficulties you or your family might be facing. We believe in working together to find the right individual or family treatment.

We see people with a wide range of different issues, conditions and problems.

You will normally need a referral from you GP. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact our

Patient Advice and Liaison Service:

Otherwise call our Intake Coordinator to find out how to access services in the best way: 020 8938 2523

If you would like to become involved in our activities, help shape and develop the future of mental health services, contact:

Anthony in the Involvement team: / 02089382059


Young Minds is a leading charity committed to improving the wellbeing and mental health of children and young people, they provide a helpline for parents whom have concerns for a child & run projects addressing adversity.

Head Meds

HeadMeds gives young people in the United Kingdom general information about medication they may be taking or thinking of taking. HeadMeds however does not give you medical advice. They provide general advice & other stories of young people who have been treated for mental health.


Kooth is a website that provides free, safe & anonymous online support for young people.  By signing up to the site you are able to talk to friendly councillors, read articles written by other young people, get support from the Kooth Community & write in a daily journal.

Love Is Respect

LoveisRespect is the ultimate resource to empower youth to prevent & end dating abuse. It is a project of the national domestic violence hotline & provides a wide range of downloadable guidance & resources, blogs,  relationship polls & quizzes. You can Text, Chat Online or Call the helpline.


Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems.

Phone: 0300 123 3393 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm)

No Panic

Voluntary charity offering support for sufferers of panic attacks and OCD. Offers a course to help overcome your phobia/OCD. Includes a helpline.

Phone: 0844 967 4848 (daily, 10am-10pm)


Emotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers. 

SANE line: 0300 304 7000 (daily, 4.30-10.30pm)

Textcare: comfort and care via text message, sent when the person needs it most:

Rethink Mental Illness

We help millions of people affected by mental illness by challenging attitudes, changing lives. We provide expert, accredited advice and information to everyone affected by mental health problems.



With more exciting projects in pipeline and their dedicated team of innovative speakers, SET's mission to reach every kid in every corner is well and truly underway, so join them on their journey by booking a class, following them on social media or joining the mailing list – or all three.


We believe that people with mental health issues have the right and the abilities to lead independent, fulfilling lives as part of their communities.

